
  • Meaning of Garfield: Famous comis strip character. English: From the triangular field.
  • Category: Popular, Clever, Cool, Tabby
  • Gender: Male
Average: 3 (193 votes)


Camilla Iren Holm

I Think Garfield Is a Brilliant Name For a Baby Boy Kitten!

Linda Markas

Our cat had four kittens, a white,black,grey and orange we named the white one popeye the black one kit-kat the grey one stormy but could not think of a name for the orange one,... than we found garfe


this name is cute.i even have kitten named garfield.


aww I have a fat orange 3 year old cat. He is an orange tabby. His name is garfield, and he is very lazy, and has a temper. His nickname is Gerbs sometimes G-Bear don't ask its a long story.


garfield is a good name for cat just like the real fat,lazy cat GARFIELD by Jim davis

Greg Major

I've got an orange tabby named Garfield who is living upto his name. He will gobble up treats way quicker than his brother. He's a lazy cat, but not too lazy that he's fat or anything like that. But h

Brenda Phillips

I actually have a four month old kitten he is a yellow and whit stripped tabby and his name is Garfield.


i have a ginger tabby called Garfield and he is sooo cute i am so thankfull that my mm got me my puss insted of a dog :)

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